Faculty Book Workshop and Monograph Enhancement Awards

The Center for International Social Science Research (CISSR) invites University of Chicago faculty to apply for book workshop and/or monograph enhancement awards to support scholarly manuscripts in preparation for publication.

CISSR accepts applications on a biannual basis.  The next deadline is May 11 at 11:59pm. 

Book workshops provide faculty an opportunity to improve their manuscripts through an intensive day-long workshop in which colleagues, editors, and other key readers gather to provide critical input and suggestions.

Monograph enhancement awards support scholarly book projects in myriad ways. Awards are intended to offset the costs of obligatory press subsidies, open access subvention fees, translations, indexing, permissions, cartographic services, and other expenses that aid in the completion of highest quality manuscripts.

Eligibility & Evaluation

All University of Chicago faculty are eligible, provided their manuscripts 1) focus on international, transnational, or global issues and 2) use social scientific methods.

The CISSR Faculty Board evaluates proposals based on fit with CISSR priorities, the impact of the manuscript, and scheduling considerations (in the case of workshops). Priority is given to tenure-track, junior faculty members and to faculty who are active participants in the CISSR community.

  • All faculty are eligible for these awards, including Assistant/Associate Instructional Professors, Instructors, and Lecturers
  • Postdoctoral scholars and postdoctoral fellows are ineligible to apply, unless a CISSR Faculty Board Member sponsors an application and submits a letter of support for the postdoctoral scholar/fellow applying. The postdoctoral scholar/fellow should apply as usual and have the faculty email dparsons@uchicago.edu with the letter of support for the applicant.

Book Workshops
Funding covers the costs of a day-long workshop with up to four guest discussants. CISSR will offer logistical support to arrange travel and accommodations.

  • Applicants should read the CISSR Book Workshop Guide.
  • CISSR provides logistical support for travel arrangements, a $500 honorarium per discussant, funding for a note-taker, and the full-use of the CISSR conference room for the workshop day.
  • Please provide the list of all those who you are inviting to be in attendance and include email address, job title and institution for all participants.
  • For hybrid workshops, specify which participants will be in-person and which will participate virtually.

Monograph Enhancement Awards
Typical requests fall within the range of $2,000 to $4,000 to support tasks like indexing, specialized typesetting, and subvention fees. Translations are of secondary importance to CISSR’s mission. Translation support is intended to be cooperative rather than comprehensive; CISSR's contribution will not exceed $7,500.

How to Apply
All applications should include:

  • Copy of your CV
  • 5-page proposal
  • Comprehensive budget (Excel or PDF)

For more information about CISSR and the Faculty Book Workshop and Monograph Enhancement Awards, please contact Assistant Director, Dorothy Parsons (dparsons@uchicago.edu).

Apply Here.