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Constantin Fasolt
Development and Significance of Historical Thought, Political, Social, and Legal Thought in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Conciliar Movement and Reformation

Miguel C. Fernandes
Medieval cultural and intellectual history; premodern numeracy; media and technology; visual culture and materiality; Iberian Peninsula

Sheena Finnigan

Brodwyn Fischer
Brazil, Latin America, urban studies, comparative legal studies, poverty and inequality, race

Sheila Fitzpatrick

Nicholas Foster
History of capitalism in the twentieth-century United States; history of ideas; the impact of financialization on US politics, society, and culture

Diana Schwartz Francisco
Greater Latin America; Modern Mexico; Indigenous politics; environmental history; economic development; history and politics of social science; race in the Americas

Rachel Fulton Brown
History of Christianity; medieval European intellectual, cultural, and religious history; medieval liturgy; the cult of the Virgin Mary; scriptural exegesis and hermeneutics