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Xiaoyu Gao
Economic History of Late Imperial and 20th-Century China; History of Capitalism; History of Global Trade; Social History of Technology (Currency Minting and Metallurgy); Sino-South American History

Eleonory Gilburd
Russia and the Soviet Union; modern Europe; cultural history, especially exchange and translation; the Cold War; aesthetic reception; everyday life

Kit Ginzky
Twentieth-century US history; labor, gender, and social reproduction; inequality; history of capitalism; social policy and the welfare state

Matteo Giordano
Economic history, history of global political economy, intellectual history of capitalism, Modern Europe, history of western philosophy

Alice Goff
German cultural and intellectual history; Vormärz Prussia; history of museums, collections, and material culture; looting; East/West Germany post 1945

Tahel Rachel Goldsmith
Twentieth-century Germany and Poland; history and memory; Holocaust and its aftermath; Cold War; space and place; material culture

Jan Goldstein
Modern European intellectual and cultural history; modern France (political and social as well as intellectual and cultural); history of the human sciences, especially psychiatry and psychoanalysis; conceptions of selfhood and identity; historical methodology
David L. Goodwine Jr.

Zackery Gostisha
Early Modern Britain and its empire; Atlantic history; State formation; Social structure; History of Race and Racism; Temporality; Infrastructure.

Patrick Graham
Computing techniques; data; early modern Britain; political economy; science; capitalism.