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Nicholas Johnson
US history, intellectual history, and political economy
Colin Jones
Social and cultural history of eighteenth-century France and the French Revolution; the history of medicine; the history of Paris; physiognomy and caricature
Claire Jones
Early Modern Britain, Portugal, and the Sephardic Jewish diaspora
Caine Jordan
African American History, History of Medicine, American History, History of Science
Anirban Karak
Early Modern and Modern South Asia; the history of capitalism; intellectual history and the history of political economy; comparative histories of caste, race, and slavery; the history of modern sport; historical musicology; social theory
Emily Kern
History of modern science; intellectual and cultural history; twentieth century global history
Evelyn Kessler
History of ideas, morals, and ethics; legal history; gender and sexuality; race and racism; personhood, citizenship, and the state; political economy; visual and material culture.
James E. Ketelaar
Religious, philosophical, and intellectual history of Japan
Roy Kimmey III
East Central European history; modern Hungary; immigration and migration; nationalism; cultural history of state socialism; histories of humanitarianism and human rights; minority rights and politics; politics of recognition; Romani studies; ethnomusicology