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Madeline Adams
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century Central Europe; gender and sexuality; queer history; material culture; cultural history; sensory history

Maria Adank
visual and material culture; gender history; women and political agency; gender and political decision-making; history of fashion; history of the Republic of Venice; early modern Italian history; early modern European history

Maniza Ahmed
Race and capitalism, domestic workers, post-emancipation, labor and gender history, the household.

Muzaffar Alam
Urdu and Indian Persian literature, history of late medieval and early modern northern India

Fredrik Albritton Jonsson
British history; the British Empire; the Enlightenment; science and environmental history; political economy; cornucopianism and the anthropocene

Guy Salvatore Alitto
Modern Chinese intellectual history; Chinese social history; Chinese local and rural history

Michael I. Allen
Early medieval cultures, literatures, and societies, medieval historical writing, books, script, and learning in medieval Europe, the role of women in medieval education, Latin paleography

Clifford Ando
Religion, law and government in the Roman world; empire studies; and legal history

Xavier Ante
Environmental and economic history of late imperial and modern China; history of forests and natural resources; global Asia

Niall Atkinson
Medieval Italian Architecture and Urbanism, Historical Soundscapes, Early Modern Travel in the Mediterranean, Digital Humanities and Historical Mapping, Environmental Histories of Early Modern Italy

Leora Auslander
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century European social and cultural history with a focus on France and Germany; material culture, everyday life, and the built environment; Jewish history; gender history and theory; race in the Atlantic world; colonial and postcolonial Europe

Boone Ayala
Early Modern Britain and its Empire; Colonial America; Comparative Empires; State Formation; Constitutional and Legal history