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Abigail Bratcher
History of the Soviet Union; 20th Century Central Asia; environmental history; agricultural history; history of science and technology
Cyndee Breshock
Alain Bresson
Ancient world with particular interests in the ancient economy, the Hellenistic world, and the epigraphy of Rhodes and Asia Minor
Matthew Briones
Comparative race relations; Asian/Pacific Islander American history; African American history; Interracial and interethnic coalitions and conflicts; immigration; transnationalism, especially between the United States and the Philippines; and the history of baseball and American culture
Angus Brown
Stephen Buono
Modern U.S. and international history; American foreign relations; science and technology; spaceflight and space politics.
Robert Burgos
Twentieth-century community formation in Japanese cities among marginalized and minority groups; relationship of these processes to the broader development of 少数民族 (shōsū minzoku, minority) identity and "Japanese" identity in Japan.
Susan L. Burns
Early modern and modern Japanese history, late Tokugawa intellectual and cultural history, medicine and public health, gender
Dipesh Chakrabarty
Modern South Asian history and historiography; postcolonial studies; theory and history; globalization; climate change and human history
Rohan Chatterjee
Twentieth-century Latin America, Perú; agrarian and Indigenous histories; Anthropocene and environmental history.
Elizabeth Chatterjee
Environmental history; energy; infrastructure; modern India; capitalism in the global South; climate change
Paul Cheney
French history; the Enlightenment; the French Revolution; the Atlantic world; history of political thought; and early modern capitalism