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Jonathan M. Hall
Ancient Greek social, cultural, and political history; archaeology; historical methodology; modern Greek history

Isaac Hand
Intellectual history, the modern Middle East, urbanism, urban history, social thought, the Ottoman Empire, Turkey, the post-Ottoman world

Neil Harris

Peggy Heffington

John-Paul Heil
Early modern Europe, intellectual history of the Italian Renaissance, Renaissance humanism and philosophy, Renaissance reception of classical philosophy, and Italian cultural history

Phillip Henry
Modern Europe; Austria and Germany; intellectual history; history of the human and social sciences; history of medicine; psychoanalysis; critical theory

Alexa Herlands
Muslim and Christian Iberia, medieval race, geography, climatology, astrology, ajā'ib and marvel

James Hevia
Modern China, British Empire, imperialism and colonialism, global studies

K.J. Hickerson
African history; Middle Eastern history; imperialism; global nineteenth century; history of death; African diaspora; race and slavery; visual and material culture

Mary Hicks
Slavery and Emancipation, the Atlantic world, Brazil, early modern capitalism, colonialism, race, gender, and sexuality