Michael Williams
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European intellectual history, modern Germany, history and theories of the West, history and theories of modernity, philosophies of mind and language

PhD'22 (Modern European history), University of Chicago


Modern Europe, Modern European Intellectual History, Theories of Modernity and of the West, Modern Germany, Modern Russia, German Idealism, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jacques Derrida and Post-Structuralism, Lebensphilosophie, Philosophies of Consciousness, Philosophies of Language, the Third Reich and the Holocaust, Theories of Democracy, Race in the United States


The Dangerous Perhaps: Linguistic Meaning, Political Theory, and the Question of Truth in Twentieth-Century Continental Thought


The Aporetic Humanism of Early Derrida.”  Philosophy and Social Criticism 49, no. 7 (2023): 814-838.