Affiliate Faculty
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Jared Berkowitz
Nineteenth and twentieth century United States; legal history; history of capitalism; business history; political thought; critical legal studies; law and political economy

Angus Brown

Stephen Buono
Modern U.S. and international history; American foreign relations; science and technology; spaceflight and space politics.

Iris Clever
History of science and the body, data and AI, race and racism, gender and sexuality, history of colonialism and empire, modern European history, critical theory

Daragh Grant
Early American history; history of colonialism and empire; history of slavery; legal history; and the history of modern social and political thought

Isaac Hand
Intellectual history, the modern Middle East, urbanism, urban history, social thought, the Ottoman Empire, Turkey, the post-Ottoman world

Phillip Henry
Modern Europe; Austria and Germany; intellectual history; history of the human and social sciences; history of medicine; psychoanalysis; critical theory

Alexander Hofmann
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century United States; history of the American South; cultural, social, and political history; race and racism; gender and sexuality; violence; science, medicine, and the body; mass and visual culture; collective memory; public history

Anirban Karak
Early Modern and Modern South Asia; the history of capitalism; intellectual history and the history of political economy; comparative histories of caste, race, and slavery; the history of modern sport; historical musicology; social theory

Deirdre Lyons
Slavery and emancipation; the early modern and modern Caribbean; the Atlantic World and early Americas; France and Francophone colonies; histories of gender and sexuality; and histories of race and racial politics.

John McCallum
Moral and ethical judgment in American history

Pamela C. Nogales
United States; transatlantic history; history of liberalism; capitalism; labor history; intellectual history; history of immigration; social reform; slavery and emancipation