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Guy Salvatore Alitto
Modern Chinese intellectual history; Chinese social history; Chinese local and rural history

Dain Borges
Modern Latin America, especially Brazil and the Caribbean; intellectual history; history of the family

Alain Bresson
Ancient world with particular interests in the ancient economy, the Hellenistic world, and the epigraphy of Rhodes and Asia Minor

Bruce Cumings
Modern Korean history; East Asian political economy; international history

Prasenjit Duara

Constantin Fasolt
Development and Significance of Historical Thought, Political, Social, and Legal Thought in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Conciliar Movement and Reformation

Sheila Fitzpatrick

Jan Goldstein
Modern European intellectual and cultural history; modern France (political and social as well as intellectual and cultural); history of the human sciences, especially psychiatry and psychoanalysis; conceptions of selfhood and identity; historical methodology