Prof. Alitto has retired and no longer directs BA theses or accepts new graduate students.
Harvard University, PhD '75
Guy Alitto has taught in all areas of Chinese studies, including the modern and classical Chinese languages and premodern history. Most of his courses, and all of his graduate courses, are in the area of modern Chinese history. His research in the last twenty years has been in modern intellectual history, local histories at the village, county, and regional levels (Zouping county in Shandong, the Wanxi area of southwestern Henan), family history (the Liangs of Guilin), and social history (Chinese banditry 1880–1950). He is especially interested in the connections between the political-social and the intellectual-cultural realms, as manifest in specific individuals and local cultures. He continues to participate in the ongoing Chinese discussion on culture and modernization through publications and lectures in the Chinese language.
Recent Research / Recent Publications
持续焦虑: 世界范围内的饭现代化思潮 (The enduring anxiety: anti-modernization thought trends in world-wide perspective) 三联书店 (SDX Joint Publishing Company)Shanghai, 2022.
“梁漱溟乡村建设运动的起源” (The Origins of Liang Shuming’s Rural Reconstruction Movement) 儒家文明论坛 (Confucian Civilization Forum) No. 5,Jinan, China 2019.
“Zouping in Historical Perspective” (Chap. 2) Oi, Jean C. and Goldstein M, eds. In Zouping Revisited: Adaptive Governance in a Chinese County. Stanford, Ca. Stanford University Press, 2018.
我所了解的梁漱溟 (What I know about Liang Shuming). In Collected Papers of the Symposium on Chinese Studies 2016. 北京,中国社会科学出版社 (China social sciences press)
Foreign Expert, Editor 中华思想术语 (terminology dictionary for Chinese thought) Volumes 1-6 (Encyclopedic reference work of Chinese philosophical, historical and literary terms published by 外国语教育与研究出版社 (Foreign language education and research press), Beijing, 2014-2017.
Editor, translator, contributor. Reconstituting Confucianism: Theory and Practice in the Contemporary World. Berlin: Springer, 2015.
这个世界会好吗 Will man survive? Enlarged, annotated and illustrated edition. 三连书店 Sanlian publishers. Beijing, 2015.
Chinese language translation by author, 最后的儒家:梁漱溟与中国现代化的两难. 大学教育与研究出版社 The last Confucian: Liang Shuming and the Dilemma of Chinese modernity (Foreign Studies University teaching and research press) Beijing. 2014.
"汉学与世界文化的交流" (Sinology and Communications among World Culture)]. World Sinology 12 (Autumn 2013).
"这个世界会好吗”如何完成的” (How ‘Will Man Survive?’ came about). Bishan 2 Beijing (2013).
"Some Reflections on the Historiography of the Chinese Republican Revolution." In Lecture Series on Republic of China: A Centennial History, 176–210. Taipei: Academia Historica, 2012.
吾曹不出如苍生何?—梁漱溟晚年口述 (If We Don’t Go Forth, What Will Happen to the People?). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010.
Has Man a Future: Dialogues with the Last Confucian. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010.
2015 Honored for Exceptional Contributions at the Ninth China National Book Awards
2012–13 Outstanding Chinese Documentary Film, Central China TV. As subject of Dialogues with the Last Confucian, 2012
2012 Best Book Award, National Library of China. For 吾曹不出如苍生何? [If We Don’t Go Forth, What Will Happen to the People?]
2011 Outstanding Contributions to Sino-Foreign Exchange, Phoenix TV Satellite Networks. For 因你中国更美丽 [You Bring Charm to China]
2007 Ten Best Books of the Last Year, 新华网 [New China Web]. For 这个世界会好吗? [Will Man Survive?]