Recent Alumni
The University of Chicago is proud to present the following historians, current PhD candidates and recent alumni, who are seeking faculty appointments in the academy or professional positions in other sectors.
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John-Paul Heil
Early modern Europe, intellectual history of the Italian Renaissance, Renaissance humanism and philosophy, Renaissance reception of classical philosophy, and Italian cultural history
Elizabeth Hines
Britain and the Netherlands; imperialism; economic and political history; religion and religious toleration
Alexander Hofmann
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century United States; history of the American South; cultural, social, and political history; race and racism; gender and sexuality; violence; science, medicine, and the body; mass and visual culture; collective memory; public history
Nicholas Huzsvai
Modern Germany and Austria; modern East Central and Southeastern Europe; intellectual history of radical political movements; conservative revolution; transnational and comparative approaches to fascism; phenomenology of political religion; history of theology; study of folklore, mythology and Religionswissenschaft; history of the human sciences; theories of racism and nationalism; alternative religious movements; Kulturkritik and Kulturpessimismus; Romanticism; theories of anti-capitalism; philosophical anthropology; nineteenth- and early twentieth-century art