PhD Students
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Xiaoyu Gao
Economic History of Late Imperial and 20th-Century China; History of Capitalism; History of Global Trade; Social History of Technology (Currency Minting and Metallurgy); Sino-South American History

Kit Ginzky
Twentieth-century US history; labor, gender, and social reproduction; inequality; history of capitalism; social policy and the welfare state

Matteo Giordano
Economic history, history of global political economy, intellectual history of capitalism, Modern Europe, history of western philosophy

Tahel Rachel Goldsmith
Twentieth-century Germany and Poland; history and memory; Holocaust and its aftermath; Cold War; space and place; material culture

Zackery Gostisha
Early Modern Britain and its empire; Atlantic history; State formation; Social structure; History of Race and Racism; Temporality; Infrastructure.

Patrick Graham
Computing techniques; data; early modern Britain; political economy; science; capitalism.

Gabriel Groz
Comparative state formation, early-modern China, early-modern Britain, history of political economy