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Yuting Dong
Japanese history, colonialism, history of labor and expertise, and environmental history

Jacob Eyferth
Social and cultural history of twentieth-century China, in particular rural China; history of work, technology, gender, and everyday life.

Brodwyn Fischer
Brazil, Latin America, urban studies, comparative legal studies, poverty and inequality, race

Rachel Fulton Brown
History of Christianity; medieval European intellectual, cultural, and religious history; medieval liturgy; the cult of the Virgin Mary; scriptural exegesis and hermeneutics

Eleonory Gilburd
Russia and the Soviet Union; modern Europe; cultural history, especially exchange and translation; the Cold War; aesthetic reception; everyday life

Alice Goff
German cultural and intellectual history; Vormärz Prussia; history of museums, collections, and material culture; looting; East/West Germany post 1945

Adam Green
Modern US history; African American history; urban history; comparative racial politics; cultural economy

Jonathan M. Hall
Ancient Greek social, cultural, and political history; archaeology; historical methodology; modern Greek history

Mary Hicks
Slavery and Emancipation, the Atlantic world, Brazil, early modern capitalism, colonialism, race, gender, and sexuality

Faith Hillis
Modern Russia; Modern Europe; intellectual history; urban history; nationalism, empires, and imperialism; political culture; migration and mobility; Jewish history; transnational and international history; digital history and cartography

Joel Isaac
Social thought and intellectual history; history and philosophy of science (especially the human sciences in the twentieth century); American history

Aaron Jakes
Middle East history; capitalism; economic history; British Empire; environmental history; global and comparative history; political and social movements; political-economic thought